Meet the Winemaker: Heidi Scheid, Sunny With a Chance of Flowers

Meet the Winemaker: Heidi Scheid,  Sunny With a Chance of Flowers

At DrinkWell, we work with a great variety of independent, innovative producers from across the globe. We want to give them the recognition they deserve and start introducing some of the faces behind your favourite wines. To kick off our 'Meet the Winemaker' series, we're pleased to introduce Heidi Scheid, Chief Sunny Officer at Sunny With a Chance of Flowers.

Heidi started her career in the wine industry in 1992 when she joined Scheid Family Wine. During her time at the family business, Heidi has increase the vineyard holdings to 12 estate-owned sites, totaling 4,000 acres of vines—all of which are certified sustainable and working toward organic certifications.

Q. Why do you work in the wine industry?

A. I’m lucky to work in a family business but I never grew up thinking I’d be in the wine industry. In fact, I studied finance in college and went to work for a large financial firm after graduation. It wasn’t until I was married and had my first child that I opened myself up to the possibility of working in wine. And now I can’t imagine it any other way. The wine business isn’t always easy; in fact, sometimes it’s quite difficult. But I’m proud and passionate to be making a product that’s been on this earth for 8,000 years and is simply the most fascinating, intriguing, beautiful beverage ever created

Shop Sunny With a Chance of Flowers Sauvignon Blanc here.

Q. What is your favourite part about working in the wine industry?

A. The people and the camaraderie. The wine industry seems to attract people who are passionate about both wine and food and so it makes for a beautiful commonality among colleagues.

Q. What is your favourite type of wine?

A. That’s like asking who is my favorite child. I truly do love all different types of wine and choose depending on my mood and the occasion. But if I really had to pick just one, I’d say that Pinot Noir is my favorite.

Shop Sunny With a Chance of Flowers Pinot Noir here.

Q. Oldest vine in the vineyard?

A. The oldest vine is from 1980.

Q. What is the reason behind the name and branding for Sunny With a Chance of Flowers?

A. Sunny with a Chance of Flowers is all about positivity. We always say that it’s impossible to say the name without smiling. It’s about optimism and seeing the glass as half full. Each one of the Sunny varietals has a different positive message on the capsule. And who couldn’t use a little more positivity in their life?

Q. How is Sunny With a Chance of Flowers made?

A. We harvest the grapes for Sunny at peak ripeness then bring them to our estate winery to be made into wine. The grapes are crushed and fermented to dryness, meaning that the natural sugar in the grapes at harvest is converted to alcohol until there is none remaining. Then, a portion of the alcohol is gently and gradually pulled from the wine using an innovative and proprietary process, resulting in a lower-alcohol wine. Zero residual sugar and lower alcohol content make Sunny lower in calories as well.

Shop Sunny With a Chance of Flowers Chardonnay here.

Q. What does a typical day at the vineyard look like?

A. It really depends on the time of year. The winter is very busy with pruning each of the vines by hand. In the spring, it’s on to shoot thinning and planting cover crops. And then the late summer into fall is the busiest time of year with harvest. Throughout the year, we are always monitoring soil moisture, any insect pressures, always walking the vineyard to make sure the vines are healthy and thriving. We have an amazing vineyard team that is focused on growing excellent grapes to make excellent wine!

Sunny With a Chance of Flowers is available in a Pinot Noir, Sauvignon Blanc and Chardonnay. The Sunny wine collection is 'mindfully made' on certified sustainable. Its estate winery in Monterey County, California, is 100% powered by wind. The 400-ft tall wind turbine provides renewable energy to the winery as well as 125 homes.

Shop the Sunny With a Chance of Flowers range here.


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