• The Löwecal Lager
  • Nutrition Facts

    Serving size (per can/bottle)

    Amount per serving

    • Calories 88
    • Total Carbohydrates 0g
    • Alcohol by volume 4.20%
Suitable for Vegetarians
Suitable for Vegans
100% Gluten-free

The Löwecal Lager

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  • Country of origin: United Kingdom
  • Beer Type: Lager
  • Tasting Notes: The Löwecal is brewed to have the perfect balance of sweetness and bitterness, giving it that brilliantly refreshing and mild citrus taste from the first sip to the last 


Nutrition details (per can/bottle)
  • ABV4.20%
  • Calories88
  • Carbohydrates0g
Each pack of 12 saves you (vs standard average*):
  • Calories


  • Carbohydrates


*Statistics based from Drinkaware 2023 and Alcohol Health Alliance 2022



Suitable for Vegetarians
Suitable for Vegans
100% Gluten-free

Product Details

The Löwecal Lager is proud to be made local in its home town of Leeds. Its journey began back in 2020 when three local lads who enjoyed a pint wanted to find a better alternative that wasn't high in carbs, sugar and calories. Much like DrinkWell, the Löwecal Lager continues to be run by a small team but the quality of this lager would make you think there's a larger team behind it all! 

Tasting Notes

The Löwecal is brewed to have the perfect balance of sweetness and bitterness, giving it that brilliantly refreshing and mild citrus taste from the first sip to the last. Crafted using Pilsner Malt and Crisp Hops you are guaranteed a unique yet refreshing taste. Best necked cold. If you love having a refreshing beer in a social setting but don't want it to take a toll on your health a fitness, you will love Löwecal Lager.

Nutrition Details

ABV: 4.20%

Calories: 88 per can 

Carbohydrates: 0g

Suitable for: Vegetarians, vegans, 100% gluten-free

If you like The Löwecal Lager, you should try The Löwecal IPA. The Löwecal IPA is light and refreshing. It’s bursting with citrus punch with unique under-notes  of peach and stone fruits

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