• AdegaMãe Regenerative & Organic Red
  • Nutrition Facts

    Serving size 125ml

    Amount per serving

    • Calories 87
    • Total Sugars 0g
    • Alcohol by volume 12.5%
100% Gluten-free
100% Organic

AdegaMãe Regenerative & Organic Red

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  • Country of origin: Portugal
  • Wine Type: Dry Red Wine
  • Tasting Notes: This wine offers a vibrant bouquet of dark berries and spices from the Syrah, complemented by the floral and red fruit notes of Caladoc. On the palate, it is medium-bodied with high acidity, featuring rich flavors of blackberries, plums, and a hint of pepper, leading to a clean, refreshing finish.


Nutrition details (per 125ml)
  • ABV12.5%
  • Calories87
  • Sugars0g
  • Carbohydrates0g
Each bottle saves you (vs standard average*):
  • Calories


  • Sugars


*Statistics based from Drinkaware 2023 and Alcohol Health Alliance 2022



100% Gluten-free
100% Organic

Product Details

DrinkWell Exclusive Wine!

This regenerative and organic red wine from Adega Mãe in Portugal is a masterful blend of Syrah and Caladoc, with an alcohol content of 12.5% and zero sugar. Adega Mãe, located in Torres Vedras, north of Lisbon, is renowned for its innovative approach to winemaking and commitment to sustainable practices. The regenerative viticulture methods used in its production enhance soil health and biodiversity, ensuring the vineyards remain productive and resilient. These practices include cover cropping, reduced tillage, and the use of organic fertilizers, which help to sequester carbon, improve water retention, and promote a healthy ecosystem. The wine presents a vibrant bouquet of dark berries and spices from the Syrah, complemented by the floral and red fruit notes of Caladoc.

On the palate, this medium-bodied wine offers high acidity, making it refreshing and lively. The flavour profile includes rich blackberries, plums, and a hint of pepper, leading to a clean, refreshing finish.

The regenerative agriculture practices not only benefit the environment but also enhance the taste of the wine, resulting in more vibrant and expressive flavors. The healthy, biodiverse soil contributes to the complexity and depth of the wine, making each sip a reflection of the vineyard's vitality.

Adega Mãe's dedication to regenerative and organic practices results in a wine that is not only delicious but also environmentally conscious. By choosing this wine, customers support sustainable agriculture that benefits the environment, enhances biodiversity, and promotes long-term vineyard health.

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