• Domaine de Maubet Merlot
  • Nutrition Facts

    Serving size 125ml

    Amount per serving

    • Calories 86
    • Total Sugars 0g
    • Alcohol by volume 12.5%
Suitable for Vegetarians
Suitable for Vegans
100% Gluten-free

Domaine de Maubet Merlot

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  • Country of origin: France
  • Region: South West / Gascogne
  • Wine Type: Dry Red Wine, Merlot 
  • Tasting Notes: Domaine du Maubet Merlot is a superb, dry red with a balance of succulent fruit and hints of dark chocolate and spice. This wine is bursting with flavours of succulent cherries, raspberries and cassis with a hint of dark chocolate to finish. 


Nutrition details (per 125ml)
  • ABV12.5%
  • Calories86
  • Sugars0g
  • Carbohydrates0g
Each bottle saves you (vs standard average*):
  • Calories


  • Sugars


*Statistics based from Drinkaware 2023 and Alcohol Health Alliance 2022



Suitable for Vegetarians
Suitable for Vegans
100% Gluten-free

Product Details


The Domaine de Maubet Merlot is a fabulous zero sugar, zero carb red which is produced by a family-run winery renown as one of the best in the business in the South West of France. The private 80-hectare estate is located in Gascony, in South West France and is famous for producing high-quality Armagnac, the famous brandy from this region.

The red grape, tannat, originates from this area of France and has been discovered to contain some of the highest quantities of polyphenols, a hugely beneficial resveratrol, that is found in red wines. Once the grapes have been harvested, they undergo a five-day maceration process helping to extract rich aromas and characters that makes the wine so delicious. Finally, it is blended with some Merlot to add both softness and character.


Winemaker: Domaine de Maubet

Wine type: Dry red, Merlot

ABV: 12.5%

Nutrition details (per 125ml): 86 Calories, 0g Sugar, 0g carbohydrates

Suitable for: Vegetarians, Vegans, 100% Gluten-Free


Country of origin: France 

Region: South West / Gascogne 


Tasting notes: Domaine du Maubet Merlot is a superb, dry red with a balance of succulent fruit and hints of dark chocolate and spice. This wine is bursting with flavours of succulent cherries, raspberries and cassis with a hint of dark chocolate to finish. 

Ideal food pairings: Domaine du Maubet Merlot is a very versatile wine and pairs beautifully with charcuterie and a range of cheeses. Especially terrific with roasted lamb, or a delicious barbecue spread. 


Serving temperature: Domaine du Maubet Merlot is best served just below room temperature, between 16 and 18°C, merlot is a full-bodied wine so this temperature creates a greater mouthfeel and helps to balance the acidity. Chill in the fridge for 25 minutes before serving. 

Glass style: Opt for a wide-bowled glass for a greater surface area.  This allows the wine to breathe because of its rich characteristics and creates a proper balance between flavours. 

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