• Best White Wine Case
  • Nutrition Facts

    Serving size 125ml

    Amount per serving

    • Calories 82
    • Total Sugars 0g
    • Alcohol by volume 12%
Suitable for Vegetarians
Suitable for Vegans
100% Gluten-free

Best White Wine Case

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Nutrition details (per 125ml)
  • ABV12%
  • Calories82
  • Sugars0g
  • Carbohydrates0g
Each bottle saves you (vs standard average*):
  • Calories


  • Sugars


*Statistics based from Drinkaware 2023 and Alcohol Health Alliance 2022



Suitable for Vegetarians
Suitable for Vegans
100% Gluten-free

Product Details

Whether you're savoring a quiet evening or celebrating life's milestones, our Best Selling White Wine Case promises to captivate your senses and leave a lasting impression. Treat yourself or gift it to a loved one, and embark on a journey of unparalleled taste and refinement. Cheers to unforgettable moments and exquisite wines!

Piattini Pinot Grigio

First in the line up is our most reviewed wine, Piattini Pinot Grigio. With a zesty citrus and lightly floral aroma, this Pinot Grigio is crisp (slightly tart) and lemony with a dash of sweet honeyed fruit that is the perfect refreshment on a hot Summers day. Piattini Pinot Grigio has an 11% ABV, contains 0g sugar and is just 78 calories per 125ml glass.

Il Badalisc Pinot Grigio DOC

Il Badalisc Pinot Grigio is a delicious vegan white wine that has a refreshing, tart apple aroma with a hint of sweet honey and peach.  With a fruity explosion for the palette, this wine is a great choice. As a light and refreshing wine, this pairs perfectly with cream-based light dishes to highlight those crisp flavours. Il Badalisc Pinot Grigio DOC has a 12.50% ABV, contaisn 0g sugar and is just 86 calories per 125ml.


If a bottle within the case you have ordered is not available, we may choose a like-for-like swap. If it costs more than your original choice, we will not charge you the extra cost, if it costs less, we will refund you the difference.

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Inside the case

  • x3
    Piattini Pinot Grigio

    Piattini Pinot Grigio

    • ABV: 11%
    • Calories: 78
    • Sugars: 0g
    Find out more
  • x3
    Il Badalisc Pinot Grigio DOC

    Il Badalisc Pinot Grigio DOC

    • ABV: 12.50%
    • Calories: 86
    • Sugars: 0g
    Find out more