• Laylo Sauvignon Blanc 2.25L Boxed Wine
  • Nutrition Facts

    Serving size 125ml

    Amount per serving

    • Calories 80
    • Total Sugars 0g
    • Alcohol by volume 11.50%
Suitable for Vegetarians
100% Gluten-free
100% Organic

Laylo Sauvignon Blanc 2.25L Boxed Wine

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  • Country of origin: France
  • Wine Type: Dry White Wine
  • Tasting Notes:Savour the first sniff of this fruity, joy-filled Sauvignon... all pineapples, green apples and white peach. Then when you're ready for a sip, expect an elegant and crisp wine, with a mouth-watering hint of acidity. If you're looking closely, you might even notice gooseberries and blackberry leaves


Nutrition details (per 125ml)
  • ABV11.50%
  • Calories80
  • Sugars0g
  • Carbohydrates0g
Each bottle saves you (vs standard average*):
  • Calories


*Statistics based from Drinkaware 2023 and Alcohol Health Alliance 2022



Suitable for Vegetarians
100% Gluten-free
100% Organic

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Product Details

2.25 litres = 3 bottles | £12.67 per bottle

Top quality wines on tap, meaning you can enjoy a glass (or two!) without opening a whole bottle.

Plus, it's the sustainable option too, with each box producing 90% less CO2 than the same wine in glass bottles.

The airtight tap protects the wine from oxygen so it stays fresh for 6 weeks.

Winemaker Pierre-Jean Sauvion has some serious winemaking pedigree. He’s the fourth-generation winemaker at his family Chateau in the Loire. But if you think that means he’s a traditionalist, think again! - “I draw upon the l earnings from the past to make the best possible wine, but I also want to break free of the ‘golden prison’ of winemaking bureaucracy. To me, a great glass of wine is an empty one."

Design The Toile de Jouy pattern that inspired this box is as quintessentially French as baguettes and Breton stripes. Its images of rural life are filled with people, music and laughter…


Tasting Notes

Savour the first sniff of this fruity, joy-filled Sauvignon... all pineapples, green apples and white peach. Then when you're ready for a sip, expect an elegant and crisp wine, with a mouth-watering hint of acidity. If you're looking closely, you might even notice gooseberries and blackberry leaves.



Note- Please be aware that some of our organic and natural wines may present sediment and crystals within the bottle. Please do not be alarmed, they don’t pose any harm to your health. This is often a sign that there was minimal intervention in the process of making this wine. Enjoy!

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