• Ordinal Cabernet Sauvignon, Côtes de Thau

Ordinal Cabernet Sauvignon, Côtes de Thau

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  • Country of origin:France
  • Wine Type: Dry Red Wine
  • Tasting Notes:A refreshing and fragrant Cabernet with delicate flavours of blackcurrant; crunchy and bright. 
Nutrition details (per 125ml)
  • ABV13%
  • Calories91
  • Sugars0g
  • Carbohydrates0g
Each bottle saves you (vs standard average*):
  • Calories


  • Sugars


*Statistics based from Drinkaware 2023 and Alcohol Health Alliance 2022
Suitable for Vegetarians
100% Gluten-free

Nutrition Facts

Serving size 125ml

Amount per serving

  • Calories 91
  • Total Sugars 0g
  • Alcohol by volume 13%

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Product Details

The vineyards of the Côtes de Thau surround the lagoons of the Bassin de Thau and benefit from a Mediterranean climate combined with gentle sea breezes, giving wines with great freshness and concentration. The grapes are gently pressed to extract crunchy dark fruit flavours and then undergoes six months of oak contact to add body and structure. Perfect with roast lamb with rosemary and garlic. Finish with a mature cheese such as parmesan.

Tasting Notes

A refreshing and fragrant Cabernet with delicate flavours of blackcurrant; crunchy and bright.


Cotes de Thau, France

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