• Tierra de Estrellas - Sauvignon Blanc
  • Nutrition Facts

    Serving size 125ml

    Amount per serving

    • Calories 77
    • Total Sugars 0g
    • Alcohol by volume 11%

Tierra de Estrellas - Sauvignon Blanc

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  • Country of origin: Chile
  • Wine Type: Dry White Wine
  • Tasting Notes: This superb Chilean Sauvignon Blanc combines aromas of fresh grapefruit and lime followed by flavours of juicy ripe melon on the palate, balanced by a subtle minerality and a crisp, refreshing finish. 


Nutrition details (per 125ml)
  • ABV11%
  • Calories77
  • Sugars0g
  • Carbohydrates0g
Each bottle saves you (vs standard average*):
  • Calories


  • Sugars


*Statistics based from Drinkaware 2023 and Alcohol Health Alliance 2022



Product Details

Did you know that Chile boasts an incredible 300 days and nights of clear skies every year, allowing stars to shine bright every season? Tierra de Estrellas, also known as “The Land of the Stars”, pays tribute to Chile’s renowned clear skies that draws in stargazers from all over. The bottle’s eye-catching label features the Southern Cross constellation which is visible to the naked eye at any time of night in Chile.  It’s fair to say that this wine is just like the Chilean skies – flawless.

Tasting Notes

This dry white wine offers a delightful combination of citrus and melon flavours. The nose boasts aromas of fresh grapefruit and lime, whilst the palate delivers flavours of juicy ripe lemon which provides a touch of natural sweetness. Tierra de Estellas finishes with a crisp and refreshing finale. This is delicious served both on its own or with a meal. If you are enjoying with a meal, we recommend serving alongside a heart beef and root vegetable stew.


Wine type: Light-bodied

ABV:  11%

Calories: 77 per 125ml

Sugar: 0g

Dietary Info: Suitable for Vegans and Vegetarians


Tierra de Estrellas is made in the Valle Central region of Chile, one of the country’s most prominent wine regions. This region is known for its diverse microclimates, which make it suitable for cultivating a wide variety of grapes. More importantly, Valle Central wine is also known for its rich flavours; Tierra de Estrellas is a perfect example.

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