• Wild Nature Organic Pinot Grigio
  • Nutrition Facts

    Serving size 125ml

    Amount per serving

    • Calories 83
    • Total Sugars 0g
    • Alcohol by volume 12%
Suitable for Vegetarians
Suitable for Vegans
100% Gluten-free
100% Organic
No added Sulphur

Wild Nature Organic Pinot Grigio

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  • Country of origin:Italy
  • Wine Type: Dry White Wine
  • Tasting Notes: Fruity and savory, full bodied and elegant in the mouth.


Nutrition details (per 125ml)
  • ABV12%
  • Calories83
  • Sugars0g
  • Carbohydrates0g



Suitable for Vegetarians
Suitable for Vegans
100% Gluten-free
100% Organic
No added Sulphur

Product Details

Wild Nature Wines isn’t just about making a lovely bottle of vino—it’s like a sanctuary for plants and wildlife too! Since 1974, they’ve been doing their bit for the planet, farming organically across their gorgeous vineyards in the Venice and Verona provinces. And because they’ve ditched all the nasty stuff—no agrochemicals or pesticides in sight—their estates are alive with all sorts of animals: hares, foxes, pheasants, ducks, even migratory birds popping by for a nosy!

It’s all about giving nature a helping hand, with tree-lined banks, hedges, ponds, and woodlands creating a little paradise for wildlife.  And it shows on their labels too—this Pinot Grigio is represented by a hare, a nod to all the furry and feathered friends living their best lives in the vineyards.

Food Pairing Tips:
This Pinot Grigio’s a bit of a crowd-pleaser. Sip it as an aperitif to start the night off right, or pair it with light starters. It’s fab with pasta or rice dishes and absolutely divine with fish and seafood. Perfect for a laid-back dinner or when you just fancy feeling a bit posh!

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